The MTV Movie Awards is a show presented annually on MTV owned by MTV Networks (Viacom an American based company) as a part of film awards. Movie parodies are created and presented that uses official movie footage with hosts and other celebrities as actors in it. Music and dance performances are also presented on stage by celebrities. The producers and executives at MTV will decide the nominees for the award. Online voting by the general public will decide the winners. Presently MTV’s official website is the place where you can cast your vote for your favourite.
The award categories for MTV Movie Awards 2011 were Best Movie, Best Performance Male, Best Performance Female, Best Breakthrough Performance, Best Villain, Best Comedic Performance, Best Kiss, Best Fight, Best Jaw Dropping Moment, Best Scared Performance, Biggest Badass Star, and Best Line from a Movie.
The MTV Movie Awards 2011 was on June 5th 2011 and the host was Jason Sudeikis. The Twilight Saga: Eclipse won the Best Movie Award. The best actress award was won by Kristen Stewart for her excellent performance in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse and Robert Pattinson won the best actor award for his best performance in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.
Unlike other award shows which are broadcasted live the MTV Movie Awards were not broadcasted live. It were taped and then broadcasted a few days later. This method allowed the show to be edited and present in a more convenient way. Pay-per-view channels in most metropolitan cities around the world will be able to view the actual live show broadcasting on the same day. From 2007 onwards this practice was changed and MTV Movie Awards 2007 was broadcasted live on MTV for the first time in Los Angeles.
The award categories for MTV Movie Awards 2011 were Best Movie, Best Performance Male, Best Performance Female, Best Breakthrough Performance, Best Villain, Best Comedic Performance, Best Kiss, Best Fight, Best Jaw Dropping Moment, Best Scared Performance, Biggest Badass Star, and Best Line from a Movie.
The MTV Movie Awards 2011 was on June 5th 2011 and the host was Jason Sudeikis. The Twilight Saga: Eclipse won the Best Movie Award. The best actress award was won by Kristen Stewart for her excellent performance in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse and Robert Pattinson won the best actor award for his best performance in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.
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