make money

Like to Play Computer Games

Then you can get paid while when you play, just like me. Video gaming has become a popular game in the internet era. Hundreds of thousands of people are playing or have played computer games and play at least once a month. That may seem like a waste of time, but it's not a waste of time watching television or mowing the lawn?

The truth is that games are relaxed, fun and in some cases even learning.

A computer games today take months if not years, to make. There are stories to write, program to create, design, textures, images, and support for online games. It takes a lot of people, time and money to make a game like Crysis or Call of Duty 3. After that it takes even longer to test the game and solve all problems.

Just like you, I also love playing computer games. Unfortunately there is no longer time and it is no longer economically feasible for me to play as much games as I want. After reading in one of the forums I use, I found a contest where a game company offered a gift of 3 LED TV’s and a Playstation 3 to the persons who could find as many errors in their games. Several thousand people searched fault and three people won. Unfortunately I was not one of them, but this got me wondering.
Can you earn money to beta test games? Finding the wrong game developer has missed?

The answer is yes!

After a period of searching, I found a website that discovered exactly the same. Namely, that you get paid by record companies to find errors that normally would cost them lots of money and resources to find. The website is called Gamer Testing Ground is owned by a person who, like me, earning money by playing computer games.
You can make money with video games:
 • Playing in your spare time, 3-4 h per day
 • Earn up to $ 120 per hour to play pcspill. In some cases more!
 • Get a good extra income to spend on education or a new computer.

Explain again why companies want to pay me as a player to test their games.

It is very easy. A game consists of tens of thousands of lines of code, and it will take much time and resources to browse through everything. Game Developer consists of groups of people, over 30 pieces as a programmer and enters their part of the game. Sometimes conflicts arise between the different codes that cause problems in the game, which aggravates the feeling game of buying customers.
PC and video games industry is about more than $ 50 billion dollars a year!

And companies understand and are willing to pay beta testers to find flaws they have missed. If not paid, they would run the risk that beta leaked or that do not know the correct error and thus lose much money. No matter how good the game is, if, as a gamer testing ground says, it is a mistake that causes the game to crash every time you jump, you will not buy the game. And it does not matter how amazing the graphics are or how good the multiplayer game support: there are many errors; it is not someone who will buy.

I play about 4 hours a day, more on weekends with my brand new computer and my laptop. You can have fun and make money, I do! The list of all companies that pay you to beta test does not cost more than $ 34.95 (approx. 220 million) and then get the lists updated in 6 months.

You will not be a millionaire by playing video games, but you'll get a nice extra income to invest in another. If you still play computer games and invest in some monthly recurring scheme; you will get some money to manage your websites free of cost. Earn money while having some fun.

About Ibnhamza


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