
Diet for Osteoporosis and Calcium Absorption

Osteoporosis is a condition of the human body which leads to delicate bones. This condition of the bones increases the risk of a wrist, hip, or spine fracture.

Doctors suggest the reason for osteoporosis as the inadequacy of calcium intake during childhood and adolescence. The balanced diet with adequate calcium will prevent the damages to bone. The inadequate intake can impair bone development and may prevent the achievement of optimal peak bone mass during early adulthood. 

Calcium plays an important role in the growth of bone, bone density and repair capacity of bone. Most of the food supplements contain contains calcium and phosphorus. Calcium helps in providing necessary minerals required for the bone to produce the red and white blood cells. A well-balanced diet with foods that are rich in calcium increases the calcium intake of us. 

Foods with vitamins and proteins help a lot in the prevention of osteoporosis. These foods also help us keep healthy and energetic throughout the life. These foods will provide the required calories and energy for the daily activities. 

The deficit of calcium intake will affect the formation of bone and tooth. The fast moving life has made the people in discontinuing their regular foods and thus making their body with less energy. The food with essential nutrients and calcium is required for a healthy life.  Following below mentioned balanced diet ensures the adequate intake of calcium in our daily life.

1. Include Dairy Products
Milk, yogurt, cheese and milk cream are good sources of calcium. Calcium in the milk will be absorbed easily by the body. Low fat milks and cheeses are the healthiest options for cholesterol patients. Those who are allergic to dairy products can avoid this and follow the other foods to complement the intake of calcium.

2. Fish or Sea foods
Fishes with soft bones contains enough calcium required for a human being. Now a day canned fish which contains soft bones are coming in the market. Though it is not advised as healthy it can be used in the non-availability of fresh fishes. The soft bones of fishes should be crushed and eaten with the fish meat. The Sardines, salmon, and mackerel are fishes enriched with calcium.

3. Fresh Vegetables
Green leafy vegetables are good sources for calcium. Some of the leafy vegetables are known for its high calcium content like collard greens, turnip greens and lettuce. Some other vegetables enriched with calcium are beans, kale or borecole, okra or ladies fingers and broccoli.

4. Soy Products
Soy products like tofu or bean curd, soy milk or soya milk, soy cheese, and soy yogurt, as well as soy beans are better to include in the diet due to its protein and calcium content. Some soy milk producers add calcium carbonate to help digestion of human being.

5. Fortified Calcium Products
Calcium is added to some juice drinks, beverages and rice drinks to make the fortified calcium foods. These drinks provide some calcium required for the body. There are lot of other fortified foods in the form of breads, grains and cereals. A serving of 8 ounces of fruit juices with calcium citrate malate provides 300 mg calcium. Eating fruits and drinking fruit juices is good for health. Fruits provide the required vitamins and proteins.

The main thing to be noted is that the persons with osteoporosis should avoid cigarette smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

As per the estimates of NSW Food Authority of Australia a serving of 8 ounces of cow’s milk contains 300 mg calcium. The doctors recommend an intake of 1300mg calcium for teenagers, 1000mg for adults and 1200mg for adults over age of 50. So begin to eat enriched foods with calcium, vitamins and proteins in your diet to have a healthy life with strong bones.

Read about eating fruits at:

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