will get your credit report and score and also monitor your credit report for any suspicious activity. Monitoring your own credit report constantly for any signs of fraud can be a time consuming and frustrating task. does all of this for you.
Monitoring your credit report and credit score is also important if you are trying to build or rebuild your credit rating. Knowing how each move you make affects your credit report is a good way to know if what you are doing is actually helping or hurting your credit rating and score. As a member of, you will receive the following benefits:
Bi-monthly credit score monitoring with alerts by email if it changes significantly.
Monitors your credit report daily with email alerts if something has changed or looks suspicious.
Fraud resolution support
$50,000 Product Guarantee (Not valid in the state of New York).
ChildSecure will monitor your children’s social security and alert you if someone tries to open an account in your child’s name.
CardSafe will reimburse you for monetary losses and notify all companies where you have credit cards.
The 3-in-1 credit report service monitors your credit report from all three of the major credit reporting agencies (Experian, Equifax and Trans Union). This is a one time fee in addition to the monthly fee.
Visit Coupon: Free Credit Score What Makes It Better?
A growing area of fraud is the identity theft of children, since every child now has a social security number. Identity thieves also know this, and believe no one will be looking up a child’s credit report until they are 18 years old. has a service called ChildSecure that will monitor your children’s names and alert you if someone tries use your child’s social security number to open accounts. ChildSecure is available to all members at no extra charge.
CardSafe is an important service that will register all of your credit, ATM, debit and charge cards. If your cards should ever be stolen or lost, their CardSafe service guarantees reimbursement for all unauthorized charges made after you have reported your missing cards to them. will also notify everyone to cancel your cards and order new ones for you.
The 3-in-1 credit report service is important since not all companies report to all three credit reporting agencies. And there can be errors on one credit report and not another one. advises to use this every three months. There is a one time fee, which they do not state on their web site. has a nice blog where you can ask their credit experts questions and they will answer or refer you to the right answers. Visit for more details.
Monitoring your credit report and credit score is also important if you are trying to build or rebuild your credit rating. Knowing how each move you make affects your credit report is a good way to know if what you are doing is actually helping or hurting your credit rating and score. As a member of, you will receive the following benefits:
Bi-monthly credit score monitoring with alerts by email if it changes significantly.
Monitors your credit report daily with email alerts if something has changed or looks suspicious.
Fraud resolution support
$50,000 Product Guarantee (Not valid in the state of New York).
ChildSecure will monitor your children’s social security and alert you if someone tries to open an account in your child’s name.
CardSafe will reimburse you for monetary losses and notify all companies where you have credit cards.
The 3-in-1 credit report service monitors your credit report from all three of the major credit reporting agencies (Experian, Equifax and Trans Union). This is a one time fee in addition to the monthly fee.
Visit Coupon: Free Credit Score What Makes It Better?
A growing area of fraud is the identity theft of children, since every child now has a social security number. Identity thieves also know this, and believe no one will be looking up a child’s credit report until they are 18 years old. has a service called ChildSecure that will monitor your children’s names and alert you if someone tries use your child’s social security number to open accounts. ChildSecure is available to all members at no extra charge.
CardSafe is an important service that will register all of your credit, ATM, debit and charge cards. If your cards should ever be stolen or lost, their CardSafe service guarantees reimbursement for all unauthorized charges made after you have reported your missing cards to them. will also notify everyone to cancel your cards and order new ones for you.
The 3-in-1 credit report service is important since not all companies report to all three credit reporting agencies. And there can be errors on one credit report and not another one. advises to use this every three months. There is a one time fee, which they do not state on their web site. has a nice blog where you can ask their credit experts questions and they will answer or refer you to the right answers. Visit for more details.
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